Contact the membership office

Our membership office is here to answer members’ questions and listen to your comments

SCAS team at an event


Please get in touch with the membership office if:

  • You want more information about we do
  • You have a story you want to share with other members
  • You have ideas for Foundation Times, the members’ newsletter
  • Your contact details change
  • You want to get more involved and update your involvement choices
  • You want membership forms or other literature to distribute

Calling all Trust Members!

Do we have your e-mail addresses for electronic voting?

We run the majority of our annual Governor elections electronically. This brings efficiencies in communication and much needed cost savings in printing and postage. Current members can provide their e-mail address directly to the membership office at

Do you want to make a difference to local healthcare services?

South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) runs annual Governor elections. Please check your inbox for your monthly membership e-bulletin to find out when the next elections will be held and how to apply. If you are not a member you can register now.

How do I raise an issue with a Governor?

The governors act as your voice. If you wish to raise an issue or have any ideas or suggestions you can contact your governor to relay these to the Trust.

If you know who the Public, Staff or Nominated Governor who represents your particular constituency is then please contact the Membership Office who will pass on your query to them. If you do not know who your representative is the membership office will also help you to identify the appropriate person.

Postal address (no stamp required)

FREEPOST Communications – membership
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
7-8 Talisman Business Centre
Talisman Road
OX26 6HR