Patient Transport Service
Looking after you from door to door
We provide Patient Transport Service (PTS) across Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Hampshire, Oxfordshire and Sussex.
As an organisation we have over 40 years’ experience and our teams are made up of ambulance care assistants, call takers, dispatchers, team leaders and support staff.
For eligible patients who are unable to use public or other transport due to their medical condition, we provide a vital service getting them safely and comfortably to hospital or other healthcare centres.
Patient Zone
Our PTS Patient Zone allows you to book transport (except your first journey), manage bookings and check your journey status. You can also cancel a booking if transport is no longer required.
You will need your NHS number and date of birth to login.
Technical help for Patient Transport website booking
Booking information
For further information on which patient transport service operates in your area or to make a booking, please view our booking information page.
Our service
We are proud to transport people who are unable to use public or other transport due to their medical condition, and include those who are:
- attending hospital outpatient clinics
- being admitted to or discharged from hospital wards
- needing life-saving treatments such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy or renal dialysis or DVT treatment
We have liaison officers in major hospitals, who are the public face of the service. They deal with bookings and queries, but also with any problems that occur on the day, changes in patient appointments and most importantly they ensure that every patient is conveyed so that they get the treatment they need.
Volunteer car drivers
If you are interested in supporting SCAS NEPTS and its patients by becoming a Volunteer Car Driver, please contact
Interested in being part of the team? We’ve got the perfect job for you.
Find out more on our jobs site.