Governor elections
Each governor has a constituency and is committed to talking to local people to make sure your voices and opinions on the Trust are heard. The Trust’s Constitution sets out the principles of how the Council of Governors is governed.
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust holds regular elections to appoint new governors in one public and two staff constituencies.
As a governor you can play a key role in shaping the future of our services so, if you are interested in being involved, find out more about what it means to be a governor and apply to stand in the next round of elections.
To be eligible to be a governor you must be a member of the constituency you wish to stand for and be 16 or over. To register as a member visit our Members page. To find out more email
Public Governors
Elected by members
Staff Governors
Elected by staff members
Community First Responder Governor
Appointed Governors
Structure of our Council of Governors
Our Council of Governors is made up of three different types of governors.
Please view our current list of Governors and dates of our Council of Governors meetings.
You need to be a member in order to stand in the elections. Register to be a member.
Once you have become a member, you can nominate yourself. For details on how to nominate yourself to become a Governor download our ‘Notice of Election’ document.
The contact address for each of these candidates is C/O Ciara Hutchinson, The Returning Officer, Civica Election Services, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London, N8 0NW and the email address is
Contact with a governor should be addressed to them at the following address:
FAO Company Secretary
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
7-8 Talisman Business Centre
Talisman Road
OX26 6HR.
Or you can send an email to Please remember to include the name of the Governor/s you would like to contact in your message.
How many governors do we have in total?
- Public governors – Elected by our members who live in their county, broken down as follows: Hampshire x 6, Berkshire x 3, Oxfordshire x 3 and Buckinghamshire x 3
- Staff governors – Elected by SCAS FT staff members, broken down as follows: 999 EOC x1, 999 Operations North x 1, NHS111 x 1, PTS and Logistics Field Staff x 1, 999 Operations South x 1, Corporate, Support, other x 1.
- Community First Responder Governor (CFR) – Elected by SCAS CFRs to represent their views
- Appointed Governors – Come from organisations that work closely with SCAS, for example local charities, Clinical Commissioning Groups, and local authorities.
Want to know more about the Governor role?
You could also download the SCAS Constitution document for reference purposes.
See also our Policies and Procedures.