Our Board

The SCAS Board is made up of directors who empower the whole workforce.

The Trust Board of Directors comprises both executive directors, who are responsible for the day to day running of the organisation, and non-executive directors, who are lay members of the public drawn for their skills, experience and expertise.

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Meet our Board

Choose from below to find out more about our directors, including their biogs and areas of expertise.

The Board of Directors consists of the Chair and seven Non-Executive Directors, and the Chief Executive and six Executive Directors. The Board meets in public every other month, in May, July, September, November, January and March, usually on the last Thursday of the month. An Annual General Meeting is held in September.


The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring the quality and safety of services, setting the Trust’s strategic aims (taking into consideration the views of the Council of Governors), ensuring that the necessary financial and human resources are in place, and agreeing the Trust’s values and standards of conduct. 

The Chair is responsible for the conduct of the Trust, for managing the Board and for appointing and reviewing the performance of the chief executive and together for that of other executive directors.

Our non-executive directors do not have any management responsibilities but are available to provide support and advice. They are also responsible for ensuring that the concerns and interests of the public, and our stakeholders, are properly integrated into decision-making and, together with the chair, for monitoring the executive management of our organisation.

The chief executive, as accounting officer, is responsible for ensuring that the organisation works in accordance with national policy, public service values, and maintains proper financial stewardship. The chief executive is directly accountable to the Board for ensuring that its decisions are implemented.