How did we do?
It’s important that the professional service we provide to you meets your needs and expectations
We recognise that occasionally things can go wrong. It’s vital therefore that we identify those occasions and put the processes in place to prevent a repeat occurrence. We have dedicated resources available to assist anyone who wishes to make a comment – good or bad, on any of our services.
SCAS Patient Experience (PE) team is on hand to offer you guidance and advice on any matter relating to the service we provide. The team will work on your behalf to provide answers and understanding should you have a need to discuss any aspect of our care or treatment to you or a close relative or friend.
The PE team does not deal directly with complaints – but they will help you and advise you on the options available to you and help you decide on the most appropriate course of action in dealing with any concerns you have.
Formal complaints will always be dealt with in accordance with the NHS complaints process.
If you would like to give us feedback or make a comment about the services we provide, you can contact a member of our team on on 0300 123 9280, email
We value your feedback.
We can:
- Give advice and information on all aspects of the ambulance service and other local health services.
- Help patients to get information from other useful services and support groups.
- Listen to patients concerns, and get answers to their queries.
- Work with patients and the public to make sure their views are used to improve the service.
- If a problem can’t be resolved, we can help patients to make a formal complaint
If you do need to complain
If you have a concern or a complaint regarding any area of the service we provide, in the first instance this should be raised at the time with the member of staff concerned. It may be that there is a simple explanation or a resolution which can be given straight away. If you are not happy with this explanation or if you have any questions or concerns you can contact the Patient Experience team, using the contact details above.
or you can send a letter addressed to the Chief Executive at the following address:
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Unit 7 & 8 Talisman Business Centre
Talisman Road
OX26 6HR
We admit our mistakes
Although we strive to ensure that all the patients we serve receive the best possible service and care, we are not perfect and mistakes and misunderstandings do occur.
However we cannot improve the service if we do not know what goes wrong, when it goes wrong and in this way we are able to use your experiences as a positive learning exercise to improve the quality of the service we provide.

Send us your views
If you would like to give us feedback, make a comment, compliment or complaint, it would help us if you could tell us:
- your full name
- your email address
- your address and post code
- your telephone number
- If your comments are about a particular incident, give us as much information as you can, such as the date and where the incident took place.
- If you have a preference, please let us know how you would like us to contact you.
Compliments, Complaints and Feedback
To contact our Patient Experience team:
Telephone: 0300 123 9280
or email:
Complete our survey
It is important to us to hear what you think about our service. We would like you to tell us what we didn’t do well so that we can make improvements in the future. We would also like to hear about what we did do well. Our short survey includes a simple question called The Friends and Family Test, asking how likely you would be to recommend our service to your friends and members of your family.
Click here to complete our survey.
It is one way for us to find out what you think of our service and to give you the opportunity to give us feedback about the care you have received. The results of the Friends and Family Test are published so that patients and members of the public can see how their local services are viewed by those who have used them. Your answers will be anonymous and you can chose whether or not you would like your comments to be shared. Thank you for taking the time to complete our short survey.