Update on SCAS patient panel

Aug 13, 2024 | Members e-Bulletin, Stakeholder eBulletin

On 20 May 2024, the Patient Panel launched the Consult membership for the Patient Panel where the Patient Panel members provide feedback on an ad-hoc basis on documents via surveys. The consult members were given their first task to provide feedback on the existing design of the NHS 111 Patient Experience Survey.

The Patient Panel Co-Production Groups which had their first initial meeting in February 2024 have also been working on projects.

The Patient Panel Learning Disability Group have been sharing their experiences of having used South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) services and helping co-produce the patient aspect of the Learning Disability and Neurodiversity Policy.

The Learning Disability Group have been busy reviewing the SCAS public website for accessibility and also helping decide on a logo for the Hampshire VIP bags which will be trialed in collaboration with Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board.

The Patient Panel Mental Health Group have been reviewing what SCAS already have in place for mental health patients. They have been discussing care plans and also providing feedback on the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service, online patient (booking) portal for accessibility and ease of use for those with visual impairments.

The Mental Health Group have reviewed themes from complaints and incidents to see if, from a patient perspective, any of the ambulance crews in attendance could have done anything differently.

The Patient Panel Influence Chair, Roger, also did an observational shift with Community First Responder (CFR), Peter on 31 May 2024.

Roger commented: “What a fantastic experience. It thoroughly met my expectations of finding out more about the role of Community First Responders with SCAS. The day was dispersed with some call outs to three very different cases and great to see you using your skills and knowledge dealing calmly with each person and their relatives. We also managed to use some time to chat about the CFR role and how that fits with SCAS, plus I got to understand the processes of the call outs. I also met two crews from the 999 service.

“It was an incredible and interesting experience. I was left with an overwhelming admiration of all that CFRs offer to SCAS, to patients and their families. 

“Peter made me feel welcome from the first minute we met, and we talked through the whole process of the call outs and your role.”

We are still recruiting to the Patient Panel. Read more about our Patient Panel and eligibility criteria