SCAS staff in High Wycombe

Aug 6, 2024 | Events, Members e-Bulletin, Stakeholder eBulletin

On 3 August, SCAS staff attended an emergency service day at the Eden shopping centre in High Wycombe. The Mayor of High Wycombe joined SCAS alongside the fire service and Buckinghamshire search and rescue service. SCAS offered CPR and defibrillator demonstrations and talked to the public about our services and current vacancies. Wycombe Sound,  the multi award-winning local radio station for High Wycombe was playing music for staff and public throughout the day.

Wojciech Etz  said: ” It was a busy day with a lot of public engagement and interaction with members of the public who were very thankful for SCAS help and support.”

From Wycombe station, Wojciech Etz, Alex Vickery, Bernadette Hearn, Rachael Price attended with the help of five CFRs, who gave their time to plan and prepare for the event and attend in person on the day.