SCAS visit the Medina Mosque in Southampton

Dec 21, 2023 | Members e-Bulletin

South Central Ambulance Service attended the Southampton Medina Mosque on 17th December 2023. There was lots of interest from the community in learning CPR and finding out about the different job roles SCAS offers.

The event was led by Nikhyta Patel, Patient and Public Engagement Facilitator and attended by the following SCAS staff Sandra Dwyer Customer Care Manager for Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service, Community First Responders – Paul Lailey and Chris Collins, Senior Patient Experience Officer – Sian Vick and Emergency Care Assistants – Claire Hill and Vickie James.

The staff were treated to a tour of the mosque and agreed that it was a good opportunity to learn about Islam and observe the main Friday prayers. The mosque very kindly provided staff with refreshments throughout the day.

Parvin Damani, Southampton Medina Mosque Leader said:

“We got very good feedback from many people. They learnt a lot and particularly CPR. Your recruitment leaflets are still being picked up. Staff were very friendly and easy to talk to and when questions were asked they were answered with real professionalism and knowledge. I have been asked to thank you and suggest you come back again when you have the time. The women felt included and were happy with staff and their input. Wishing everyone a fruitful and prosperous 2024.“

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