Fit for the future programme (FFF)

Mar 21, 2024 | Members e-Bulletin, Stakeholder eBulletin

Our ‘Fit for the Future’ programme continues to develop at pace, and we continue to refine the programme structure and appoint personnel into key positions.

The Programme Board meets monthly, and includes representatives from NHS England, Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) and trade union colleagues, as well as members of the programme and workstream leads. This month included further discussions on the operating model based on the modelling that has been done so far, and around the content and scope of the Corporate review.

A communications plan is in place for weekly Hub (intranet) updates, rotating around each of the workstream leads and the programme lead Paul Kempster.

A Fit for the Future planning meeting was held with the programme team and representatives from AACE. This covered the preparation of a programme plan to go to the SCAS Board for sign-off in March. The meeting also included discussions of points raised at the Programme Board, consultation with AACE about the support they can give to the programme.


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