A big thank you to SCAS volunteers

Jul 12, 2023 | Members e-Bulletin, Stakeholder eBulletin

This year’s ‘Volunteers Week’ was in June, and we took the opportunity to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who continues to support as responders, drivers, or welfare volunteers.

When we ask our volunteers why they give up their time to support us, the answer is always the same – they want to help their communities, make sure their neighbours feel safe or know they have helped someone.

Community First Responders

Our Community First Responders have responded for us for an amazing 154,865 hours in the last 12 months.

Not only do our Community First Responders (CFR) ensure their local communities are kept safe, but they can also be called upon to support SCAS staff at significant events. During the recent Coronation, many of our CFRs were in attendance in Windsor to ensure the crowds (and Royalty) were kept safe!

Volunteer Car Drivers

Our Volunteer Car Drivers have a lasting effect on the patients they transport to their treatment. Our 79 Volunteer Car Drivers covering Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Hampshire, Surrey and Sussex have covered more than 15,000 journeys in the last 12 months.

Welfare Volunteers

Welfare volunteers and dedicated welfare vehicles can be found at ambulance bays at hospitals across the SCAS area.  Their role is to provide tea, coffee and other refreshments to crews who are experiencing waits with patients.

Our 34 welfare volunteers have been out serving our frontline staff with refreshments for over 618 hours in the first three months of this year alone! We are grateful to our welfare volunteers who enable us to provide this very special service to our staff.

Charity Volunteers and Fundraisers 

Our charity relies on fundraising to ensure we can continue to deliver our volunteering projects. Thank you to all our volunteers who give time and effort to help us with this big task either in addition to their main volunteering role or as a specific charity ambassador volunteer.